How to accept the bulk trade bid
How to accept the bulk trade bid
You will have received notification of the following bulk trade bid:
- Caol Ila, Refill hogshead 2018 Q1
- Initial offer price: £6.15 per LPA
- Current offer price: £7.50 per LPA
- LPAs wanted: 60,001
- Minimum LPAs accepted: 10,000
- Closure date: 12pm (UTC) on Thursday 30 September 2021
To accept this bid, please:
- Open and read this Bid Acceptance PDF document.
- Save the PDF document to your local hard drive.
- Login to your WhiskyInvestDirect account, go to ACCOUNT > DOCUMENTS and upload the PDF document.
You must upload this document before 12pm (UTC) on 30 September 2021 to accept this bulk trade bid.
Commission discount for sellers to the September 2021 bulk trade bid for Caol Ila
Users of WhiskyInvestDirect who accept the bulk trade bid will be able to re-invest that money at a reduced commission charge.
Until 11pm (UTC) Monday 1 November 2021, and up to the value of your proceeds from the sale, any stock you buy on WhiskyInvestDirect will cost you 0.5% purchase commission, as a commission rebate paid at the end of the offer period.
That compares with the normal commission rate of 1.75%.
Please note: This is a commission rebate. When you buy, your cash balance will be charged the normal commission rate at the moment your order is executed. The difference will then be refunded to your account's cash balance once the offer period ends. It will show on your account shortly after the offer period concludes.
To receive this rebate, you must:
- Be a WhiskyInvestDirect user;
- Be able to log in to your account;
- Have owned and then sold to the bulk trade bid;
- Only new purchases up to the total value of your proceeds from the bulk trade bid sale (net of your seller's commission) will qualify;
- The promotional period for this offer is for purchases made until 11pm (UTC) Monday 1 November 2021;
- Orders placed but not executed before the promotional period ends will NOT qualify for this commission rebate;
- On expiry of the promotional period all subsequent trading commission fees will revert to the prevailing Tariff;
- Your cash balance will be charged buy commission at the usual rate of 1.75% at the moment your order is executed. That purchase fee will then be rebated to a rate of 0.5%, paid into your account's cash balance, after the promotional period ends.
We reserve the right to withdraw or amend any promotion, at any time, without notice. Anyone abusing this promotional offer will not be eligible for any rebate under its terms.
Referrers will continue to receive their full share of referral commissions at their usual rates during the promotional period.
For any queries, please contact
Only you can decide the best place for your money, and any decision you make will put your money at risk. If you are unsure about the suitability of any asset for your personal circumstances, you should seek professional financial advice.