Pre-order new stock

Apply for new stock before it goes live on the order board.

Place an order at the fixed launch price using funds available in your account. You can cancel (and re-place) your order until the stated closing date.

Shortly after the closing date, all orders will be processed simultaneously with new stock allotted according to the details of each order.

Any unsold stock will be made available on the order board.

Your bid
There is no upcoming whisky stock available for pre-ordering. Please purchase a quick-buy whisky package or buy stock on the live order board.
Priority pre-orders

Selling into a qualifying bulk trade bid makes you eligible for a priority pre-order. Place orders for new whisky using cash available in your account, with the total quantity of all orders capped to the quantity you sold into the relevant bulk trade bid.

Priority pre-orders are final. After placing an order it cannot be cancelled and once the closing date has passed, you will not be invited to another priority pre-order for that relevant bulk trade bid.

For more information visit our help page on priority pre-orders.

Your order

You have not sold into any bulk trade bids which qualify you for a priority pre-order.

These will be available to sell into on the bulk trade bids page, you will be notified by email if a bulk trade bid is eligible.

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